and fills out a PDF based form system
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The Search method allows to search the form space by using a combination of search criteria. The form space logically groups the available PDF form templates. The resulting list of form space records can be retrieved by the IForms::GetFirstObject / IForms::GetNextObject iterator pair.
Each node and leaf of the form space is described by a mandatory medForms OID, a name, a Boolean value if it is a node or a leaf, and an optional UID, where UID stands for the unique company specific ID assigned by the Federal Statistical Office. The given OID always stems from the medForms OID space and is supplied in its shortened form e.g. medforms.20.30.5050, where «medforms» is the abbreviation for the medForms base OID To retrieve the whole form space use the empty string for the UID and OID pattern and set the Boolean eFormsOnly=enNo. |
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[POST] | /baseURL/IForms/Search | ||
[JSON input data] | pIForms: eDataLanguage: eSortByName: eFormsOnly: bstrNamePattern: bstrOIDPattern: bstrUIDPattern: |
longValue, //interface address longValue, longValue, longValue, "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue", "utf8StringValue" |
[JSON result data] | pbStatus: | booleanValue |
[HTTP result status] | 200 | Return status 200 signals a successful method call | |
204 | Return status 204 (noContent) signals that the end of an iteration is reached | ||
>= 400 | Return status >= 400 signals an unsuccessful function call. The returned JSON{errorCode: code, errorText:"text"} supplies the error message the same as GetAbortInfo() would do. | ||
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HRESULT Search( | LanguageType
eSortByName, eFormsOnly, bstrNamePattern, bstrOIDPattern, bstrUIDPattern, *pbStatus); |
[C/C++ return value] | S_OK | This value is returned if the function call was successful. | |
S_FALSE | This value is returned if the end of an iteration is reached | ||
E_name | This value is returned if the function call was unsuccessful and an error exception was generated. Note that if you are using SmartPointers an exception is thrown under these conditions. | ||
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[in] LanguageType | eDataLanguage | The language branch of the form space to use. | |
[in] YesNoType | eSortByName | A Boolean value denoting if the returned records are sorted ascending by name (enYes) or by OID (enNo).
Of course, the sorting is applied only to the same hierarchical level if the hierarchical form space (eFormsOnly=enNo) is requested. |
[in] YesNoType | eFormsOnly | A Boolean value denoting if the serialized list of PDF form templates (enYes) or the hierarchical form space (enNo) should be returned. | |
[in] BSTR | bstrNamePattern | bstrNamePattern restricts the form space by applying a search pattern onto the name and path attribute of each form record.
The wildcard character is the *. Leave the bstrNamePattern empty if there is no restriction on the medForms name. If other the OID and/or UID pattern are set as well, than the individual search patterns are AND together to form the overall search string. |
[in] BSTR | bstrOIDPattern | bstrOIDPattern restricts the form space by applying a search pattern onto the medForms OID attribute of each form record.
The wildcard character is the *. Leave the bstrOIDPattern empty if there is no restriction on the medForms OID. If other the name and/or UID pattern are set as well, than the individual search patterns are AND together to form the overall search string. |
[in] BSTR | bstrUIDPattern | bstrUIDPattern restricts the form space by applying a search pattern onto the UID attribute of each form record.
The wildcard character is the *. Leave the bstrUIDPattern empty if there is no restriction on the UID. If other the name and/or OID pattern are set as well, than the individual search patterns are AND together to form the overall search string. |
[out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL | *pbStatus | Return status of the method. If pbStatus is VARIANT_FALSE then an error occurred and GetAbortInfo should be called to retrieve the error string. | |
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